Wednesday, 20 August 2008

Unforgiveable Apathy

I've been SO lazy today, and I haven't really even felt guilty about it, I just cannot be bothered to do anything even though there is plenty that needs doing round the house.

Apart from looking after Edward and myself today I have done almost nothing other than vegetate on-line and in-front of the TV. In the morning I did speak to a journalist on the phone, she appealed for people with baby stories on my birth-club and I put us forward as I thought we'd make a good story and I know that the magazines can pay quite well, I'm also hoping we may get a nice family photo-shoot out of it.

Mostly I think I'm recovering from yesterday and preparing myself for tomorrow's trip to Reading to see Mr Chris.... I shall leave you now with many beautiful photos of my gorgeous gorgeous boys, I have probably put too many similar ones up, but they are just so heart-warming I can't choose between them :o)

Edward casting magic spells....we suspect 'summon milk'

I'm telling you Daddy that IS the way it's cast!

Oh Daddy you're so funny!!


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